About Us

Welcome to Pro-Green Shapers, where dedication to environmental causes fuels our journey. Discover the story behind our mission and the passionate team driving our initiatives.

Pro Green Shapers: A Global Catalyst for Environmental Action

Founded with Local Roots and a Global Vision: Pro Green Shapers may have started in a local community, but our vision extends far beyond geographical boundaries. We see ourselves as a catalyst for environmental action on a global scale. Through collaboration with individuals, organizations, and communities worldwide, we aim to create a ripple effect of positive change.
Empowering Communities, Inspiring Change: At Pro Green Shapers, we believe in the power of collective action to address environmental challenges. By empowering communities through education, training, and advocacy, we inspire individuals to take meaningful steps towards sustainability. Our goal is to foster a global network of environmental stewards committed to shaping a greener future for generations to come.
Building Partnerships for Lasting Impact: Collaboration is at the heart of our approach. We actively seek partnerships with like-minded entities to amplify our impact and reach. Together, we implement green initiatives, advocate for policy change, and drive innovation in environmental sustainability. By working together, we can achieve far more than we ever could alone.
Monitoring Progress, Driving Results As we work towards our mission, we remain committed to monitoring and evaluating our progress. Through data-driven insights and continuous improvement, we ensure that our efforts make a tangible difference. By tracking our impact, we can adapt and refine our strategies to drive meaningful results and create a more sustainable future for all.

Our Activities

Explore our impactful projects addressing environmental issues. From tree planting to waste reduction, learn how we make a difference.

Green Futures Education Program

A community-focused initiative to provide environmental education to schools, encouraging sustainable practices among students.

Global Reforestation Campaign

A youth-led effort to plant trees and combat deforestation on a global scale, contributing to carbon sequestration and biodiversity conservation.

Sustainable Communities Project

Working with local communities to implement eco-friendly practices, such as waste management and renewable energy adoption.

Join Us in Our Mission

We believe that everyone has a role to play in building a sustainable future. Whether you're a passionate volunteer, a dedicated supporter, or a potential partner, there's a place for you at Pro-Green Shapers. Join us as we continue to [briefly highlight future goals or projects] and shape a world where environmental harmony thrives.

Our Amazing Team

Meet the dedicated individuals who drive our mission towards a sustainable future.


Dianey Mugalizi

Programs Director

Magni qui quod omnis unde et eos fuga et exercitationem. Odio veritatis perspiciatis quaerat qui aut aut aut


Michelle Uvya

Communications Manager

A communication graduate with a double major in Mass Communication and Development Communication. She is passionate about environmental issues and climate advocacy. With proficiency in graphics design and videography, Michelle leverages her skills to create impactful visual content that raises awareness and drives action towards a sustainable future.


Charity Gloriah

Finance Manager

Voluptas necessitatibus occaecati quia. Earum totam consequuntur qui porro et laborum toro des clara


Ferouze Were


Magni qui quod omnis unde et eos fuga et exercitationem. Odio veritatis perspiciatis quaerat qui aut aut aut


Daisy Muthoni

Green Ambassador - Kenya

Repellat fugiat adipisci nemo illum nesciunt voluptas repellendus. In architecto rerum rerum temporibus


Masereka Eric Sikahwa

Green Ambassador - Uganda

Voluptas necessitatibus occaecati quia. Earum totam consequuntur qui porro et laborum toro des clara

Contact Us

At Pro-Green Shapers, we're deeply committed to our planet and its well-being. Your voice matters in our mission to protect and preserve the environment. Whether you have ideas, inquiries, or simply want to connect, we're all ears! Use the form below to reach out to us, and together, let's make a difference for a greener, healthier world. Thank you for joining us on this journey towards sustainability!


Moktar Dadah Street, Nairobi, Kenya


+254 705 163986

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